Training Requirements

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Begin CITI Training

Guide: Matching Your CITI Account to Your DU SSO Account

MG线上电子游戏要求所有进行人体研究的研究者完成强制性培训,并且他们的研究符合获得IRB批准或IRB豁免的标准. 主要研究人员和任何与人类受试者有直接互动或将收集识别信息或可识别生物标本的研究人员必须完成适当的培训模块,然后才能为新项目颁发IRB决定函,或批准新人员参与研究方案.

Through the Collaborative Institution Training Initiative (CITI) Program, training modules are available for DU faculty, staff, 以及学生按照联邦政府和DU IRB政策的要求提供人类受试者保护培训. Successful completion of a DU CITI module is valid for four years, then a refresher course must be completed. 保持有效的培训四年后,完成的模块到期, 在以前完成的关键模块上提供复习课程. 此外,还为接受公共卫生服务机构资助的调查人员提供利益冲突培训, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), 或DU要求熟悉PHS财务利益冲突法规的人员. This training must be completed prior to the initial receipt of funds.

  • Steps for Completing Human Subjects Protection Training

    作为一个新的CITI用户,您必须首先通过注册建立用户名和密码 University of Denver affiliation.

    As a registered CITI user, log into CITI using your DU SSO Account select "University of Denver View Courses" under "Institutional Courses"

    Step 1: Select "Learner Tools", and then select "Add a Course"

    第二步:选择“Human Subjects Research”课程,回答问题1,然后点击“NEXT”.

    Step 3: Identify your appropriate learning group (i.e.,学生,教职员工,非附属调查员或正式董事会成员),然后点击“下一步”。. 

    Step 4: Select the type of research that will be conducted; social behavioral & educational or biomedical and click on “NEXT”.

    Step 5: Select the appropriate course to be completed; basic or refresher and click on “NEXT”.



    Once you have answered all of the questions related to your research, 与人类受试者保护课程相关的所有模块将被列出,您可以选择一个模块开始. 在你成功地完成了人类学科研究课程的所有模块之后, a completion report will be available to document your training. 强烈建议您保存此报告的副本以备记录. The Office of Research Integrity & 教育(ORIE)人员将审核并核实提交审核的内部审核委员会申请中列出的个人是否完成了所有培训要求.

    Please note: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR), Conflict of Interest (COI), 和良好临床实践(GCP)课程与人类受试者研究课程要求分开,并且可以 not be used as a substitute. 


  • Steps for Completing Conflict of Interest Training

    As a new CITI user, 你必须首先在MG线上电子游戏注册,建立一个用户名和密码.

    As a registered CITI user, log into CITI using your username and password, select "University of Denver View Courses" under "Institutional Courses"

    Step 1: Select "Learner Tools", and then select "Add a Course"




    一旦你成功地完成了COI课程的所有模块, a completion report will be available to document your training. 强烈建议您保存此报告的副本以备记录. The Office of Research Integrity & 教育部(ORIE)将验证COI培训课程是否已成功完成,并将其发布在ORSP共享驱动器上,以允许赞助计划和IRB验证您已完成联邦资助项目所需的监管要求.

Steps for Completing Additional Training

  • Ethical Use of Human Subjects

    On the "Courses" page of your CITI account, follow these steps to choose the appropriate SBER curriculum:



    Step 3: Select one:
    a. I am a Student Investigator
    b. I am a Faculty/Staff Investigator
    c. I am an Unaffiliated Investigator
    d. I am a Full Board Member

    Step 4: Select the following:
    "Social Behavioral Education Research Investigators"

    a. Social Behavioral Educational Research Investigators – Basic Course
    b. Social Behavioral Educational Research Investigators – Refresher Course

    步骤6:选择所有适用的(与您的项目相关的模块) required):
    a. Study Design: schools, internet, survey, international, etc.
    b. 受试者人群:儿童、囚犯、老年人、性别和性别多样性等.

  • Responsible Conduct of Research

    Federally Funded Projects
    如果你正在接受联邦资助(国家科学MG线上电子游戏或国家卫生研究所), 你还必须完成负责任的研究行为(RCR)课程.

    On the "Courses" page of your CITI account, follow these steps to choose the appropriate RCR curriculum:


    Step 2: Select one:
    a. 社会、行为、教育和人文学科负责任的研究行为课程
    b. Biomedical Responsible Conduct of Research Course
    c. Physical Science Responsible Conduct of Research Course
    d. RCR for Engineers

  • Good Clinical Practice for Clinical Trials

    Federally Funded Projects
    如果你正在接受联邦资助(国家科学MG线上电子游戏或国家卫生研究所), 你可能需要或被要求完成良好临床实践(GCP)课程.



    Step 2: Select "Good Clinical Practice"

    Step 3: Select one:
    a. 第一组:教师/职员调查员-社会和行为研究-良好临床实践
    b. 第二组:教员/教职员调查员-药物和医疗器械-良好临床规范
    c. Group 3: Faculty/Staff Investigators - Devices - Good Clinical Practice

  • Protocol Registration in

    On the "Courses" page of your CITI account, follow these steps to choose the Protocol Registration in curriculum:



Training & Workshops

ORIE provides training workshops on navigating IRBNet, completing the IRB application and drafting consent documents.

To request a workshop or small group training session, please complete and submit a training request form to

Download Training Request Form