

  • 如何更新列出的经理或职位名称?


  • 我是一名兼职福利职员. 我需要完成绩效评估吗?

    是的, all benefitted staff are expected to complete a performance review each year in order to be merit-eligible.

  • 如何使用Talent@DU平台?

    检查 Talent@DU绩效管理 详情网页. 如果你还有问题,请发邮件 performancemanagement@ourmixologist.com 向绩效管理团队寻求帮助.

  • 我的用户名和密码是什么Talent@DU?

    使用您的DU电子邮件地址和 MyDU 登录密码 Talent@DU.

  • 如何重置密码或更改用户名?

    请联系IT帮助台303-871-4700帮助您重置密码, 验证您的电子邮件地址, 或者修复登录错误.

  • 休假员工是否需要进行绩效评估?

    Employees on leave during the appraisal timeframe are 不 required to complete their reviews in order to maintain merit eligibility. 如果可能的话, 然而, a review should be conducted ahead of time or upon the employee's return — it is best practice to provide all employees with fair 和 comprehensive performance reviews.

  • 我今年要退休了. 我需要完成绩效评估吗?

    No. 欢迎员工, 但不是必需的, 在他们退休那年完成绩效评估.

  • 我在哪里可以找到现在向我汇报工作的员工过去的绩效评估?

    要查找这些评论,请登录 Talent@DU 并在导航菜单中选择“通用配置文件”. Under the section called "Team," choose the employee whose past reviews you would like to view. 在员工配置文件下,选择“快照”,然后选择“评论”框." This should bring up a page from which you can access the employee's past performance plans 和 reviews.

  • 我应该知道哪些绩效管理的关键术语?
    • 工作目标 -从这个问题开始, 为了成功,今年我需要做些什么? Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, results-focused, 和 time-bound (SMART). 这些是工作绩效的结果和可交付成果, 用于量化对环境的总体贡献 使命、愿景和价值观 大学校长. Achievement of job goals 和 objectives will be rated during each employee's yearly performance review.
    • 能力 – Employees are accountable for demonstrating each of the five competencies — work quality, 倡议, 沟通, 可靠性, 以及包容性——当他们努力实现自己的工作目标时. Demonstration of the five competencies will be rated during each employees yearly performance review.
    • 专业发展 -专业发展提高员工在当前角色中的表现, 并预测员工角色的未来需求, 同时考虑员工的职业抱负. 专业发展旨在支持发展工作, 而且在年度绩效评估中也没有评级.
    • 培训 -培训项目和服务可通过 人的发展 人力资源部 & 包容的社会. 登录 Talent@DU 并选择“添加培训”以查看选项列表.
    • 动作步骤 —自定义动作步骤, professional development activities meant to support employees' professional development objectives.
    • 对齐 – All employees are encouraged to select goals 和 objectives that align with the five competencies 和 the divisional goals set by their managers.
    • 赋值 – Managers are encouraged to assign their employees job goals 和 objectives that align with the five competencies 和 their divisional goals.



