
The best defense against a fire is to prevent one from starting. This can be done by maintaining good housekeeping 和 not allowing combustible (paper, 纸板, 锯末)和易燃化学品, 燃料)积累.

If you see smoke or fire in the building sound the alarm 和 evacuate immediately. Do not try to find the source to put out the fire. 在所有火警事故中,你应:

  • number-1-icon

    Make sure you always have a safe exit route away from the fire

  • 数字2

    Notify co-workers by shouting out that there is a fire

  • 数字3

    Notify emergency services by pulling the fire alarm, dialing 911 和 dialing 13000 (校园 安全)

  • 数字4

    Never assume a false alarm 和 evacuate the building every time the alarm sounds.


In order to use a fire extinguisher, you must first be trained on its use. If you are present when a fire starts 和 feel comfortable putting out a small fire, 使用灭火器是可以接受的. 职业安全 & Health Administration (OSHA) requires employees to be familiar with the use of a fire extinguisher. If you have not received Fire Extinguisher training you should never attempt to use one. It is not just a matter of picking the fire extinguisher, pulling the pin, 和 squeezing. The training provides instruction on (1) the four types of fires, (2) the type of extinguisher to use for the applicable fire, (3)如何操作灭火器. 与你的主管联系适当的培训. 如果你发现灭火器不见了, 损坏的, or has an out-of-date inspection sticker call 设施 Management at 1-4511.


Building fire drills take place to confirm that occupants respond appropriately to the fire alarm by evacuating the building. You should always be aware of egress routes in any building you are in. 如果听到火警,立即撤离大楼. If time permits, turn off any gas or electrical systems. Even if it’s a drill, your responsibility is to evacuate in a timely manner.


Every year fires destroy buildings costing millions of dollars. The insurance industry reports that a high percentage of these fires are caused by hot work. 什么是热工?? 热工被定义为任何临时操作, involving open flames or producing heat 和/or sparks. Examples of hot work include torch cutting, welding, soldering, brazing, 和 grinding. 所有热工都需要热工许可证.

Performing hot work without the authorization of a 热加工 Permit is not only a violation of DU policy but could result in a catastrophic event. 请与环境卫生署署长联络&S at 303-871-7501, if you have any questions about this matter.

  • Requirements for DU 工作人员 Performing or Supervising 热加工

    All DU staff performing 热加工 or supervising 热加工 must have a certificate of training obtained through FM Global at http://training.fmglobal.com. First-time users must request a password referencing DU's index 72522.95.

    Once training has been completed successfully the certificate should be printed with copies given to the employee's supervisor 和 to the EHS Director, 玛丽·里德大厦418室. Certificates are located under (My Report-Controls-View Certificate) on the FM Global website.

  • 对DU承包商的要求

    获取培训密码, 承包商必须提交一份雇员名单, their e-mail addresses 和 their company's name plus a reference to DU index 72522.95 to 保罗·穆林. Once passwords are issued, the training can be found at http://training.fmglobal.com. Certificates for contractors should also be sent to the EHS Director, 玛丽·里德大厦418室. Certificates are located under (My Report-Controls-View Certificate) on the FM Global website.

  • 防火检查要求

    All hot work requires a fire-watch for sixty (60) minutes following the completion of work. After the initial one-hour fire watch, an additional three (3) hours is required. This can be accomplished by smoke detectors or sprinkler systems linked to 校园 安全. 在完成最初的火灾监视后, the permit should be signed by the individual doing the fire watch 和 sent to the EHS Director.

    Buildings with disabled detection or suppression systems, systems that are not linked to 校园 安全 or without these systems altogether must be monitored in person for three (3) hours following the initial fire-watch. This can be accomplished by the individual doing the initial one-hour fire-watch or, 如果是在校园里, 致电校园安全303-871-2334.

    During the initial 60-minute fire-watch 校园 安全 should be called to the area to show where the hot work was performed. 校园 安全 will perform periodic checks during the three hours following the initial 60-minute fire watch. The officer performing these checks will sign off on the permit 和 send it to the EHS Director.