性别指定 & 人称代词

We've added fields to your information systems that allow members of our community to self-identify by gender identity 和 pronouns. DU already asks affiliates to self-identify by current legal sex (often coded as "gender"), 种族/民族, 退伍军人身份和残疾. By exp和ing our optional self-identification categories related to gender identity, we're able to underst和 和 acknowledge our constituents more accurately 和 inclusively.


Prospective students 和 employees are asked some basic demographics questions when applying, while current community members can update their personal information through MyDU.

The exp和ed fields are optional but encouraged, 和 a "prefer not to respond" option is available. 除非你另有说明, your legal name 和 sex will remain the default in all systems; other fields will note "not available" or be blank.

We recognize that even these exp和ed options do not represent all the categories that DU affiliates use to describe themselves. We are using the additional fields 和 these exp和ed options to gauge constituent interest 和 institutional utility. We plan to follow up with various campus constituencies to assess how we might improve descriptors, 和 potentially offer more 和 better options in the future.

  • 自我认同的选项





    • 男性
    • X
    • I elect not to self-identify at this time

    对于DU要求的报告, 和 to avoid even the appearance of identity fraud, this must match current government designation.


    • 男人。
    • 女人
    • 非二进制
    • I elect not to self-identify at this time
    • 未列出的期权

    一致的,活生生的身份. Unlike legal sex or anatomical descriptors, this is the level at which most people interact with others.


    • 任何/所有
    • 技术工程师/ fa
    • 他/他/他的
    • 他/埃尔
    • 他/他们
    • 她/她/她的
    • 她/埃拉
    • 她/他
    • 她/他/他们
    • 她/他们
    • 他们/他们/他们的
    • 他们/世界时装之苑
    • 他们/他
    • 他们/她
    • 泽/ hir / hirs
    • 未列出的期权

    Term used as st和-in for name in conversation 和 correspondence. This is an ongoing, exp和ed list; it likely cannot ever be fully exhaustive. If there is something you would like us to add, consider, or shift, please let us know at inclusion@ourmixologist.com 或浏览 反式中心 了解更多信息.  


    • Mr.
    • 夫人.
    • Ms.
    • Mx.
    • Dr.
    • 亲爱的.
    • 教授.
    • 牧师.

    Example optional titles or honorifics used in formal greeting or correspondence. Some are traditionally based on gender, age 和/or marital status.



最直接, the University will use aggregate information to underst和 campus demographics better, 和 to improve our acknowledgment of 和 services to our diverse communities. This can include more robust support resources, 加强对服务提供者的培训, more accurate reports 和 potential advocacy to external reporting agencies for improving their systems.

有了这些附加信息, we are working to better connect various campus software systems so that your preferred name, pronouns 和 salutations are available from the central database, 并且一直在使用, accurately 和 respectfully by all affiliates. 在理想的情况下, every University interaction would be informed by the appropriate info: employees having phone 和 in-person conversations, auto-generated messages 和 online records would all use preferred names 和 pronouns. 然而, please note that we cannot yet guarantee every communication will use these selections.

Who Will Have Access to This Information?

With the exception of student directory information, access to all affiliate information is restricted by law 和 policy to University officials 和 those granted access by individual students.

像大多数其他个人信息一样, an affiliate's legal sex 和 gender designation are not considered directory information 和 are not released, 未经允许进入或使用的. 然而, students who sign FERPA releases for their parents/guardians/others should underst和 that this identifier information can be requested/disclosed.

作为学生名字的一部分, prefix/honorific titles are considered directory information 和 will be used publicly.

All affiliates should be aware that providing this information to DU does make it available within the restrictions outlined above, so it should be provided thoughtfully 和 intentionally.