Compliance & Policies for Compensation

福利工作人员薪酬方案旨在提供具有市场竞争力和内部公平的薪酬机会,使DU能够吸引员工, retain, and engage our workforce. Guidelines are established to ensure consistency, transparency, and a sustainable compensation program into the future. 我们的薪酬准则是业务人员和主管确定新职位薪酬的有用资源, and making compensation decisions for current employees.

View Compensation Guidelines Below:

Compensation Guidelines


Federal & State Regulations



  • 新的公平劳动标准法案规定白领工作豁免加班费- 2019年3月


    In 2019, 美国劳工部(DOL)提议更新管理行政豁免的法规, administrative, 1938年《新MG线上电子游戏》(FLSA)对最低工资和加班费的保护.

    FLSA is the federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay eligibility, record-keeping, 童工标准影响着私营部门和联邦政府的全职和兼职工人, state, and local governments.

    The DOL published a notice of proposed rule-making on March 7, 2019. 获得加班费资格的新最低工资门槛定为每年35,568美元. The previous threshold was $23,660 annually. This means that employees paid up to $35,308 can be eligible for overtime pay.

    What This Means for DU

    新规定改变了高等教育机构和所有其他组织在FLSA下加班费要求的联邦指导方针. 与大多数联邦法规一样,要充分理解这一规定的影响需要时间. So, 虽然现在谈论对单位内个人职位的具体影响还为时过早, 我们将与部门/单位领导会面,并分享与他们单位有关的信息.

    More Information


  • Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

    Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is the federal law which establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, 以及影响私营部门和联邦政府全职和兼职工人的青年就业标准, State and local governments.

    COMPS Order #38 州法律(科罗拉多州加班和最低工资标准命令(COMPS命令))是规定工资的吗, hours, working conditions, 以及私人雇主和雇员在科罗拉多州工作的程序.

    • The federal government establishes the salary threshold for exempt status, 但在这种情况下,地方和州政府可以自己设定(如COMPS第38号命令的情况), the highest of the wages prevails. See Salary Exemption Threshold chart.

    Non-Exempt vs Exempt - FLSA加班规则决定职位是否有资格或免除加班费. Job duties determine exempt status, not job titles.

    Non-Exempt -非豁免职位必须支付正常工资标准的一半的时间,任何工作超过:(1)每个工作周(周一至周日)40小时, (2) twelve hours per workday, 或(3)连续十二个小时,不考虑工作日的开始和结束时间(不包括免税用餐时间)。, whichever calculation results in the greater payment of wages. Reference: Colorado Department of Labor and Employment

    Exempt -获豁免的职位如在工作周内工作超过40小时,则没有资格获得加班费,必须符合下列条件:

    1. Be paid a salary above a certain level (see Salary Exemption Threshold chart); and
    2. pass a duties test.

    *Passing the duties test is generally accomplished by working in an executive, administrative, professional, or computer role.

    某些职位类别不需要获得任何特定的工资就可以被列为豁免. These include:

    1. 教师和教练,如果他们的主要职责是教学,辅导,指导或讲座.
    2. 持有有效执照或证书并从事法律或医学执业的职位.


  • More Information - FLSA

    There are many websites covering the FLSA rule. Here are some articles and websites with additional information:

  • Equal Pay for Equal Work

    The Equal Pay for Equal Work Act SB19-085 (EPEW)于2019年5月签署成为科罗拉多州法律,并于2021年1月实施.  The EPEW Act was implemented to further rectify pay disparities based on gender, or gender combined with another protected status, for employees doing substantially similar work. 

    The Act requires employers to:

    • Post all employment opportunities, at least internally, excluding temporary, interim, and career progression promotions.
    • Post the pay range for each employment opportunity.
    • 保留每位员工在职期间和离职后两年内的工作描述和工资记录. 

    The Act prohibits employers from:

    • Seeking wage history from potential employees.
    • Relying on a prior wage rate to determine a wage rate.
    • 因未披露以前的工资历史而对未来雇员的歧视或报复.
    • 解雇或报复维护《MG线上电子游戏》规定的权利的雇员.
    • Discharging, disciplining, discriminating against, or otherwise interfering with an employee for inquiring about, disclosing, or discussing the employee's wage rate.

    The Act outlines the following post-hire information is disclosed:

    • The name of the candidate selected for a job opportunity.
    • The selected candidate’s former job title if that individual was an internal hire.
    • The selected candidate’s new job title.
    • 新MG线上电子游戏员工如何表现出对将来申请类似工作的兴趣的信息.


    新MG线上电子游戏致力于遵守EPEW法案,并创造公平和透明的文化.  If you have any questions or concerns regarding the EPEW Act, please contact

  • Colorado Overtime and Minimum Pay Standards (COMPS) Order #38

    On November 10, 2021, 科罗拉多州劳动和就业部通过了《MG线上电子游戏》第38号(COMPS Order 38 Poster and Notice)(取代之前的第37号命令),并于2022年1月1日生效. 该命令规定了最低周薪门槛,以满足联邦《新MG线上电子游戏》的“工资要求”规则,使雇员被视为“豁免”获得加班费. Each year, after 2024, 今后按上年度起征点加居民消费价格指数计算.


    Effective Date

    Salary Exemption Threshold

    Weekly Threshold*

    January 1, 2021



    January 1, 2022



    January 1, 2023



    January 1, 2024



    Each year after 2024

    Prior year's salary + Consumer Price Index

    Prior year's salary + Consumer Price Index

    *Both weekly and annual threshold must be met.

  • Denver's Minimum Wage Overview

    In 2019, 科罗拉多州立法机关颁布了一项新法规,允许地方政府设定辖区范围内的最低工资标准. In November 2019, the Denver City Council created Denver Revised Municipal Code Chapter §58-16, 制定丹佛当地的最低工资标准并规定制定的方法, enforcing, and complying with the new local minimum wage.

    Effective Date

    Denver's Local Minimum Wage

    January 1, 2022


    January 1, 2023


    January 1, 2024


    Each year after 2024

    Prior year's wage + Consumer Price Index
